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Combat Juice drink recipe

Combat Juice drink recipe made with Cherry Liqueur,Gin,Rum,Rye/Whiskey,Tequila, . How to make a Combat Juice with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 1.7 stars based on 80 votes
Ingredients to use:
2 Cherry Liqueur Cherry Liqueur
2 Gin Gin
2 Rum Rum
2 Rye/Whiskey Rye/Whiskey
2 Tequila Tequila
Mix all the alcohol in a large juice pitcher. Add in 6 cups of orange juice, 2 cups of cranberry juice, 1 cup of 7-up and finish it off with a shot of grenadine. (The amount of juice is variable, just depends on your taste I guess) Mix and drink. I kid you not - it sounds disgusting but it tastes awesome! Be careful though, it kicks you in the ass!
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