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Charrz's Chacoberry Delight drink recipe

Charrz's Chacoberry Delight drink recipe made with Chocolate,Water,Kool-Aid, . How to make a Charrz's Chacoberry Delight with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Chocolate Chocolate
1 Water Water
1 Kool-Aid Kool-Aid
This drink can be alcoholic or not. Start off by adding a good amount of Strawberry kool-aide to your glass, enough for one glass. Then add 1/4 to 3/4 of that amount of the cocoa.mix it before adding a little bit of water (hot is best). Stir it all until it has all dissolved, if you added hot water add a bit of ice as well. Now, if you want you can add alcohol of your choice, pretty much anything will work, but certain things (e.g. beer and such) will prolly taste bad. Finally fill it the rest of the way up with water, stir a bit more and enjoy!
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