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Caribou Lou (Real Version) drink recipe

Caribou Lou (Real Version) drink recipe made with Coffee Liqueur,Orange juice,Pineapple Juice,Rum,Mango juice, . How to make a Caribou Lou (Real Version) with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 1 votes
Ingredients to use:
1 Coffee Liqueur Coffee Liqueur
1 Orange juice Orange juice
1 Pineapple Juice Pineapple Juice
1 Rum Rum
1 Mango juice Mango juice
Get a gallon Jug, pour in half a fifth of Bacardi 151 Rum, add 1 cup of Malibu Rum, fill the rest of the jug with with the pineapple juice as the song goes Half a bottle of 151 Off of the jug one cup of Malibu rum Baby that's what's up Then you fill the rest of the jug With pineapple juice, and it's crackin' The only defect is waking up like "what happened?"
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