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C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S drink recipe

C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S drink recipe made with Cola,Ice Cream,Lemon,Orange,Tabasco, . How to make a C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.66 Cola Cola
2 Ice Cream Ice Cream
1 Lemon Lemon
1 Orange Orange
3 Tabasco Tabasco
Place the ice-cream in the bottom of a glass with the Juice of both the lemon and orange, then mix. Top up the glass with Cola, 2/3 of the way (carefully of overflow from ice-cream.). Now fill to the top with Bacardi. Followed by 3 drops of tabasco. Then, and very importantly, add a teaspoon of castor sugar, if this is not complete you are likely to have a sore throat all weekend (trust me, i've done it.). Finally drop a couple of ice cubes in. And if your female, feel free to sip it through a straw, but if your male, be a man and down the lot. Your likely to not need another drink all night. You will notice the the letters of the title corispond with the ingredients used. Neither I or idrink hold any responsability for your actions after consuming this drink. Thank you, and enjoy.
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