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Big Dog Special drink recipe

Big Dog Special drink recipe made with Ice,Southern Comfort,Triple Sec,Vodka,Root Beer, . How to make a Big Dog Special with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1.5 Ice Ice
1.5 Southern Comfort Southern Comfort
1.5 Triple Sec Triple Sec
1.5 Vodka Vodka
9 Root Beer Root Beer
This drink is only recommended for "BIG DOG'S," if you feel like this term applies to you I highly recommend my incredibly lucious combination. You first add in the Vodka, Triple Sec, and Southern Comfort to the bottom of a pint glass, and stir well. Next, you add in the tasty root beer and fill the glass to nearly the top but making sure to leave enough room for at least 1.5 to 2 oz. of ice. Once the ice is added all that is needed is a final stir, and then sit back and enjoy being a "BIG DOG." Warning: this drink will severely impair your senses so don't try to act like a "BIG DOG" if you're not, instead try what I call a "little big dog" and cut all the alcoholic ingredients in half. I'd just like to say as the inventor of this incredible drink have fun, and use with the ladies if you're looking to get them drunk, happy hunting. RUFF RUFF!! Sincerely, "DA BIG DOG"
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