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Bamboo drink recipe

Bamboo drink recipe made with Cola,Red Wine, . How to make a Bamboo with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 1 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.4 Cola Cola
0.6 Red Wine Red Wine
It is advised to buy all this ingridients earlier in the evening, but as this is student boose(which never think of future) it is usually bought just before closing shops! and honestly, that are the best ones! it makes no difference if you put wine or cola first, but it is advised to mix some quantity of Bamboo in the beggining of the evening and put it in a refridgerator.It is very often that this one in the fridge will be forgotten, and that will be a very pleasent surprise in the later evening, cause everyone has forgotten about that Bamaboo! It is also advised to drink this cocktil(more like chickentail) from biggest glasses possible! Enjoy!
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