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Bailey's Skimmer drink recipe

Bailey's Skimmer drink recipe made with Chocolate,Coffee,Eggs,Jack Daniels,Milk,Sugar,Vanilla Extract, . How to make a Bailey's Skimmer with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
3 Chocolate Chocolate
2 Coffee Coffee
2 Eggs Eggs
1 Jack Daniels Jack Daniels
2 Milk Milk
0.5 Sugar Sugar
1 Vanilla Extract Vanilla Extract
make a custard from milk, 1/2 cup sugar or sweetener, 2 tablespoons cocoa i tsp vanilla and 2 tablespoons cornflour and 2 egg whites. thicken to a rich sauce, cool to luke warm, add whisky, coffee and 1 tblspn cocoa dissolved in just enough boiling water, add enough low fat evaporated milk to turn it to a light brown, bottle and serve over ice.
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