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Bacdraft drink recipe

Bacdraft drink recipe made with Cinnamon,Green Chartreuse,Ice,Sambuca, . How to make a Bacdraft with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Cinnamon Cinnamon
1 Green Chartreuse Green Chartreuse
3 Ice Ice
2 Sambuca Sambuca
Place shot glass on a saucer, fill it (2 oz) black sambucca. Now pour (1 oz) Green Chartreuse in a tall glass then light, pour over the sambuca while flaming, sprinkle cinnamon, catch fumes with tall glass. put the glass over the flaming drink, blow out remaining flames, pick glass straiht up put ice in glass, then drink the shot glass through a straw, then suck the vapours out of the glass then finish off saucer.
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