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AsiaToo  Recipe

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AsiaToo Recipe

Rating: No Votes yet.
Ingredients: 3.0 oz Grapefruit Juice
1.0 dash Grenadine
1.0 oz Lime juice
1.5 oz Pineapple Juice
1.0 splash Sweet and Sour mix
1.5 oz white Vermouth
1.5 oz OVAL Vodka
1.5 oz Passion Fruit liqueur
Directions: Pour all ingredients except grenadine into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into a hurricane glass filled with ice cubes. Add grenadine, and serve.
We hope you found the above information on how to make a AsiaToo helpful.
Candy Red Speed Opener OP-CR
Only $5.45
Candy Red powder-coated finish on a stainless steel opener. Has a full circled coined opener that has beenmasked prior to powder-coating to prevent wear marks. A sharp looking opener at a great price.
Click for More information
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