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Aqua Velva drink recipe

Aqua Velva drink recipe made with Lemonade,Lime juice,Southern Comfort,Iced tea, . How to make a Aqua Velva with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
4 Lemonade Lemonade
1 Lime juice Lime juice
2 Southern Comfort Southern Comfort
4 Iced tea Iced tea
Place enough mint in the bottom of a mortar and pestle and grind with a tablespoon of vodka until it's a green pulp. Put the mint paste into a mason jar with vodka and refrigerate overnight, or over several days until the vodka is a greenish color. The longer you keep the mint in, the stronger the mint flavor will be. Filter out the leaves with a cheesecloth or tea strainer and keep the vodka refrigerated.
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