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Alcoholic Bananas drink recipe

Alcoholic Bananas drink recipe made with Banana,Grain Alcohol,Sugar,Vodka,Butter, . How to make a Alcoholic Bananas with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
5 Banana Banana
0.5 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
3 Sugar Sugar
1 Vodka Vodka
1 Butter Butter
Melt down 3 cups of sugar 1 vodka 1 pack of butter and 1/2 alcohol in a large container. when everything is melted add about 5 bananas to the container and keep on heating it for 5 more min'. Put it in the freezer for and hour or so. When it's cold enough take it out of the freezer and pur it into a blender with some ice. Put the blender on "high" for about 2 min, and then serve to the guys in a large glass.
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