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Al CAPONE Recipe

You've selected the following recipe:

Al CAPONE Recipe

Rating: 31 % (of 81 votes)
Ingredients: 50.0 ml Campari
4.0 cubes Ice
50.0 ml Orange juice
50.0 ml Pina Colada mix
100.0 ml OVAL Vodka
Directions: Put ice, sugar and Pina Colada in blender and mix. Slowly add vodka, Campari and orange juice.
We hope you found the above information on how to make a Al CAPONE helpful.
Speed Opener (or Popper) OP-MSS
Only $3.25
Some call it a Mamba or a Popper, we call it a speed opener. This quality, thick gauge, stainless steel SpeedOpener offers full circle coining which allows the user to easily hook bottle caps (click photo) as well asopen them in a traditional method. Don't get swindled into thinking that if you pay more elsewhere, you'llget a better opener. Here we save you money.
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