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4 Horseman drink recipe

4 Horseman drink recipe made with Cinnamon Schnapps,Rum,Jagermeister,Rumplemintz, . How to make a 4 Horseman with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 1.9 stars based on 95 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.25 Cinnamon Schnapps Cinnamon Schnapps
0.25 Rum Rum
0.25 Jagermeister Jagermeister
0.25 Rumplemintz Rumplemintz
This is a shot called the four horseman. after about two of these you will be very impaired. take 1/4 of a shot of Goldschlogger (or cinnamin shnapps) a 1/4 shot of Jagermeister, a 1/4 shot of Rumplemintz and a 1/4 shot of Bacardi 151 black bat rum. Mix them all together, put in a shot glass. Shoot it as fast as you can and in about 5-10 min you will fell very nice and warm.
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