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420 Am Fruity Rum Green Dragon Remix drink recipe

420 Am Fruity Rum Green Dragon Remix drink recipe made with Ginger Ale,Pineapple,Rum,Strawberries,Vodka, . How to make a 420 Am Fruity Rum Green Dragon Remix with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
2 Ginger Ale Ginger Ale
3 Pineapple Pineapple
1 Rum Rum
2 Strawberries Strawberries
1 Vodka Vodka
combine the strawberries and pineapple in a blender. blend until its like a smoothie then add one bottle of rum .blend again. then strain the liquid into a tea pitcher or something, leaving the pulp the blender. add the other fifth of orange flavored vodka. blend again . if you feel really couragous, add another fifth of wailers vanilla rum or some triple sec to the mix and blend again.pour the pulp from the blender with all the liquor in a large tea pitcher. serve in a tall glass, such as a 44 oz soft drink cup . fill it half full of carbonated water, or ginger ale,and ice. then fill it with the fruit , liquor mix and garnish with sliced oranges, limes , lemons, peaches whatever, and then stir in 4 shots of the green dragon if you know what that is
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