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190 Octane drink recipe

190 Octane drink recipe made with Grain Alcohol,Orange juice,Rum,Sugar,Vodka, . How to make a 190 Octane with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.9 stars based on 364 votes
Ingredients to use:
2 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
6 Orange juice Orange juice
6 Rum Rum
1 Sugar Sugar
2 Vodka Vodka
To get an "Authentic" New Orlenes 190 Octane daiquiri the vodka has to be 100 proof, The rum has to be 151 and the Grain alcohol is the 190 proof(Everclear) where the drink gets it's name. ***warning**** Do not drink this. This is a hangover and a half. If you do dirnk it only have one. This drink should come with cab fare or a designated driver, but it dosen't. So be careful. You have been warned***** Ok put all the ingredients in to the blender ( you might have to half the recipie to fit your bender )blend untll smooth. Any corrections welcome.
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