New Years Drinks

Grape Juice Cocktails and Drink Recipes

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We have 248 Grape Juice drink recipes and cocktails. Give our Grape Juice drinks a try. These are sorted by the most popular Grape Juice recipes as voted on by our users. Click for more information on Grape Juice including Grape Juice brands.

Blue Ella Martini 97 % (of 30 votes)
Horny Housewife 93 % (of 14 votes)
Purple Jesus Tech Style 93 % (of 13 votes)
Purple Pirate 91 % (of 67 votes)
Purple Cow 89 % (of 18 votes)
Mofacky Face...Bitch 88 % (of 16 votes)
Purple Panty 87 % (of 14 votes)
Spree 86 % (of 13 votes)
Shattered Dreams 83 % (of 5 votes)
Flaming Anus 83 % (of 5 votes)
Grape Rape 82 % (of 10 votes)
Ethiopian Punch 80 % (of 4 votes)
Mormon Surprise 80 % (of 4 votes)
Jeweller's Hammer 80 % (of 4 votes)
Dry Grape Vine 80 % (of 4 votes)
Uncle Bruce's Jungle Juices 80 % (of 4 votes)
Libre Blood Wine 80 % (of 4 votes)
Captain Mccleery's Hardcore Grape Soda 78 % (of 8 votes)
Siempre Blood Wine 75 % (of 3 votes)
Tequila Twilight 75 % (of 3 votes)
Jinx 75 % (of 3 votes)
Purple Jesus 73 % (of 293 votes)
Purple Jesus Juice 71 % (of 13 votes)
Grodka 71 % (of 6 votes)
Jed's Ecstasy #1 67 % (of 2 votes)
Smashed Grape 67 % (of 2 votes)
Barney Fizz 67 % (of 2 votes)
Grapevine 67 % (of 2 votes)
Jeweler's Hammer 67 % (of 2 votes)
Old Purple Penis 67 % (of 5 votes)
Grape Nuts 67 % (of 5 votes)
Alexander The Grape 65 % (of 16 votes)
Blackberry Brandy Slush 62 % (of 12 votes)
Ak47 60 % (of 9 votes)
Wonka Juice 60 % (of 4 votes)
Cran-Grape 57 % (of 118 votes)
Big Fat Ugly Bitch 53 % (of 18 votes)
Wolf Blitzer 50 % (of 1 votes)
Grape Blast 50 % (of 1 votes)
Brittany's Juice 50 % (of 1 votes)
Purple Fucker 50 % (of 1 votes)
Purple Pinetree 50 % (of 1 votes)
Shocker 50 % (of 1 votes)
Now That's Good Rye 50 % (of 1 votes)
Carolina Style Purple Jesus 50 % (of 1 votes)
Get Lucky 50 % (of 1 votes)
Sheetz Iced Tea 50 % (of 1 votes)
Bacchanalian Cocktail 50 % (of 1 votes)
Evergreen 50 % (of 1 votes)
Pamoyo 50 % (of 1 votes)
Purple Nurple 46 % (of 114 votes)
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